Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Lucky Stone, Dublin

The Lucky Stone is to be found in the 12th century St Audeons Church, the oldest Church in Ireland, Dublin. Made of granite, it was probably a tombstone and is adorned with a Greek cross. It dates from around the 9th century. It was located at the start of the Slí Mhór, an esker which brought travellers to the west and was considered lucky to rub it over the centuries. The church in managed by the Office of Public Works(OPW) and entrance is free.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

The Unkempt buildings of Dublin

Although Dublin city has cleaned up its streets in recent years, many building in the city centre, north and south of the Liffey,  are in an unkempt state. The above building reminds me of Eastern Europe in the 1990s and it is lamentable that the city does compel the owners of such building to keep it in a presentable state. It is interesting to note that although there is a housing crisis in Dublin, there are apparently 20,000 empty dwellings in the capital. Sadly the city centre is becoming unaffordable to live in and it has been forecast that with in ten years Dublin city centre will be unaffordable to rent for anyone earning less than 70,000 Euro.   

The German Children Monument, Dublin

A monument, representing the three Norns of Nordic Mythology was presented to the Irish people by a grateful German government in recognition of the aid Ireland offered to young German citizens. Around 800 German children arrived in Ireland in the aftermath of the Second World war. Many were malnourished and had only the clothes on their back. They stayed for two years before returning to their native Germany. 50 of them remained here and made Ireland their home.The monument in St Stephen's Green, Dublin.

Famine Memorial Galway City

Unveiled only very recently and against the backdrop of Galway bay, is the city's only famine memorial. For decades the subject of the famine was a taboo topic and a sense of shame meant that very few monuments were ever erected to this tragedy in our history. The names of the ships which sailed west during the famine years are inscribed on the adjacent plaque. The monument is located on Grattan Road, Salthill. 

Late medieval bird catcher, Adare

The structure shown above served as a bird catcher in the medieval period. Birds could enter through the narrow opening in the roof but could not exit making them easy to catch for food. It is situated in Adare, county Limerick and is one of many interesting sites in the picturesque village